uAvionix tailBeacon ADS-B Out / WAAS GPS / Encoder Tail Position Light
Part No: UAX-90036-01
uAvionix tailBeacon ADS-B Out
tailBeacon is designed to be a direct replacement for the common navigation light or nav/strobe found on the tail of many aircraft and will meet the 2020 ADS-B requirements when paired with an operational Mode C transponder. tailBeacon is a Class B1S UAT transmitter and WAAS GPS integrated into a tail position light. This unit comes in experimental and TSO'd versions.
uAvionix tailBeacon in stock
tailBeacon has the form factor and installation characteristics of a traditional Grimes style rear position light referred to as a Grimes model S or A-2064. The tailBeacon will work with any Mode C transponder. Due to the unique design and technology of the tailBeacon, there is no need to run any new wiring to the transponder. Installation is fast and easy.
Meets the performance requirements of TSO154c Class B1S. RTCA DO-282B Class B1S
Position Light
Meets performance requirements of TSOC30c Type III
Integrated RAIM processor for Security and Integrity protection
SBAS corrections and health messages used to detect and correct satellite range errors
Satellite pseudo range step errors detectedand excluded
SBAS fast and long-term corrections applied
Power Transcoder
Decodes altitude and squawk via aircraft electrical system
Certified via approved model list (AML) for STC'd installation on hundreds of aircraft makes and models
Patents Pending
ADS-B Out: §91.225, §91.227, AC 20-165B
GNSS Position: AC 20-165B
Position Light: SAE/AS8037
Input Voltage: 11-31v DC
Operating Power: 3 Watts
Size: 92x43x73 mm
Weight: 70 grams
SDA/SIL: 2/3
Operating Temp: -45 to 80°C
Color: Aviation White
Intensity: 40 candelas
Physical Wifi Configuration: 802.11 b/g/n
App Compatibility: iOS, Android
Decodes Mode A, C, and S via DC light